8th International Research – to – Practice Conference «Modern technologies and Energy Economics»
On April 24, 2025, the annual International Research – to – Practice Conference for students, postgraduates, young scientists and researchers «Modern technologies and Energy Economics» (MTEE) will be held online
Principal directions: energy, energy economics, modern and advanced technologies in energy, energy supply, ecology, information technologies and etc.
The Conference will be organized in the following sections:
- Economics and management in energy;
- Modern aspects of heating and nuclear power engineering;
- Energy-efficient technologies;
- Information technologies in energy;
- Hydrogen energy.
Conference languages are Russian and English.
Since 15 of March till 10 April (including) everyone interested can to take a part in the Conference have to submit their papers in steering committee to selection for participation, furthermore they have to fill out an application. Separately, among the approved reports, two from each university will be selected, the authors of which will be invited to speak. Registration forms and forms to submit the works present on the official website of the Conference: стээ.рф.
Submission of the report is to be done only via the official website of the Conference.
The format of the papers as described below. Applications are not considered or registered, if it is not received from the official website of the Conference.
Email of the Conference: mtee-international@yandex.ru
Expert evaluation and competitive admissions of applications are accomplished by steering committee of the Conference.
Steering committee of the Conference:
- Novikova O.V., Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor at Higher school of nuclear and heat power engineering (HSNHPE) SPbSTU;
- Vladimirov Y.A., Ph. D. in Technology, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Nuclear and heat Power Engineering (HSNHPE) SPbSTU
- Yudina N.A., Ph. D. in Chemistry, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and industry engineering, KSPEU;
- Corsac E.P., Master of Economics, Lecturer of the Department of Economics and organization of energy, BNTU;
Scientific committee of the Conference (the members are being clarified):
- Sergeev V. V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member. RAS, Professor of the Higher School of Nuclear and heat Power Engineering (HSNHPE) SPbSTU, Vice-Rector of the SPbSTU;
- Barskov V. V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, docent, A.D. of Director of energetic institute of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "SPbSTU"
- Kalyutik A.A., Ph. D. in Technology, Associate Professor, Director of the Higher school of nuclear and heat power engineering (HSNHPE) SPbSTU;
- Akhmetova I.G., Ph. D. in Technology, Associate Professor, Director of Institute of Digital technologies and Economics, Head of the Department of Economics and industry engineering, KSPEU, member of NTS NPO “Market council”;
- Ponomarenko E.G., Ph. D. in Technology, Associate Professor, Dean of the Energy Department, BNTU;
- Mantserova T.F., Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and organization of energy, BNTU;
Editorial committee of the Conference:
- Danilova D. R., Graduate School of Nuclear and Thermal Power Engineering of the Institute of Power Engineering of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "SPbSTU;
- Kaukova S. S., Graduate School of Nuclear and Thermal Power Engineering of the Institute of Power Engineering of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "SPbSTU"
Content requirement of supplies collected papers of the Conference
Provided materials must be capable pf standard requiring of papers and it should contains:
- relevance; short review of it’s subject;
- research methods;
- purposes and objectives of the work;
- presentation of new results which are received by the author (authors) personally;
- summery conclusions which are received by the author (authors) and presented in work’s results;
- references (from 3 till 10);
- originality of work should be not less than 70%.
Review and abstract work’s are not accepted to publication.
If the formal job requirement are not meeting, then works are not accepted.
Deviating causes are not informed to authors.
All submitted papers will have two-phase scientific reviewing. Whereafter decision of the possibility of publishing will be decided.
All works must have expert evaluation and license agreement.
Materials of the conference will be notated and placed in RNCI.
Best works will be recommended to publish in journals which peer-reviewed in Scopus and Web of Science.
Requirements to processing of works
Papers are accepted only in the format of file Microsoft Word (DOC/DOCX). It should have the next parameters:
- Times New Roman Cyr font;
- Normal style;
- font size – 14;
- line spacing – 1; spacing between paragraphs – 0;
- pages have to be set up with margins: top, left, right, under – 2 cm;
- figured in formulas have to be the same a font size.
Allowable content have to be no more then 3 full pages.
Pictures are made in the form of single pictures and are placed between paragraphs of text; text flow around pictures is not allowed. All figures are numbered, the captions to the figures are executed under them in font size 9. The figures should be referenced in the text. Drawings made up of individual elements are not allowed. Numbers, symbols and text inside the picture field must be readable (large enough).
Tables are numbered and must have names (printed in front of the table, font size - 12), they must be referenced in the text.
References should not be automatic, they are given in the text of the article in square brackets after the quote (the number of the source is indicated - [1], [2], etc.). Links to several sources indicating the pages are separated by a semicolon ([1, p. 5-7; 2, p. 4]). In the list of references, sources are numbered in Arabic numerals with a dot without brackets (1., 2., etc.). All sources from the list of references must be referenced in the text. Links are numbered in the order they appear in the text of the article.
Automatic numbering of paragraphs, lists of listings, automatic designation of indents (by any sign) are not allowed!
The text in the text box is as follows (see Appendix 1):
- on the first line (in the upper left corner) the UDC of work is indicated;
- on the next line (align to the right): initials, separated by a space - the name of the author (s);
- on the next line (align to the right): name of organization (organizations) in lower case;
- positions and academic degrees of authors are not indicated;
- then one empty line, on the next line (center): TITLE OF ARTICLE (in capital letters);
- if the co-authors of the work represent various organizations, then the heading of the article should be made out in the form (see Appendix 1);
- after one empty line: the text of the work (paragraphs begin with a red line equal to 1 cm);
- one empty line is left at the end of the text, then the word LITERATURE is written: (center align) and the list of cited sources is given below;
- the word “LITERATURE” and the list of cited sources are made out in font size 12.